Lately I stumbled upon an interesting quote: “We’re going to learn from Python. JavaScript is pretty close to Python.” (2006)– Brendan Eich (the creator of JavaScript).
Virtual environments can be described as isolated installation directories. They allow you to localize the installation of your project’s dependencies, without forcing you to install them system-wide. You can have multiple environments, with multiple sets of packages, without conflicts among them. This way, different projects’ requirements can be satisfied at the same time.
Visual Studio Code has native support of Git. Also you can use other Source Control Management (like VSTS, SVN) simply by installing additional extension.
Well I shouldn’t use IDE (Integrated Development Environment) term, because I’m thinking rather on good code editor. What options we have? It depends what tasks we have to do. At this moment I have three tools that do the job.
Python is legit Not that long ago when you were considering diving into programming you could choose from the C… or J… languages. But lately you have the whole range of letters. One is P like Python. I know, I know, they say it’s too slow, inefficient, only for small projects. But guess what they’re