How to deploy a Django app for FREE

After you have done some Django projects based on tutorials or documentations, it would be nice to publish it. If money isn’t the case you have various options of VPS and Cloud. But I would like to present some free possibilities:


Update 2022: There are no free plans anymore.

This is one of Platform as a Service (PaaS) solutions. Particularly for Django they have pretty good documentation.

OpenShift Online

Update 2019: All future free OpenShift Online accounts will have a 60-day time limit.

Another PaaS service. In my personal experience it’s more complicated than Heroku.

Amazon EC2

Virtual machines in the cloud.

Free only for 12 moths, also you need to provide your credit card information.

AWS Lambda

This is “serverless” approach from Amazon.


It’s the silly one option, because as the creators say it just gives public URLs for exposing your local web server.

Trial account

Some hosting companies offer trial accounts or have money back guarantee policies, for example:




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