Choosing IDE

Well I shouldn’t use IDE (Integrated Development Environment) term, because I’m thinking rather on good code editor.

What options we have? It depends what tasks we have to do. At this moment I have three tools that do the job.



That’s like default notepad should look like from the first place.



Visual Studio Code (aka ‘I’m not Visual Studio’)

I was exposed to Visual Studio while I was trying to learn C# language. Later on I was using it to build some websites. At first glance everything was in place: code snippets, debugging, project management, etc. But overall it have looked overwhelming and bloated at least for me. The biggest surprise has come when I checked the size of installation folder. 2015 version has taken of over 2GB (yes, two gigabytes !!!). After then I started to looking fo some alternatives. What I found was VSCode which I was thinking that it’s just some ‘lite version’ of VS. But it turned out that it has everything in place and overall it’s well built text editor.

Visual Studio Code



This is on-line environment which allows me to start writing code whenever I want just by use of web browser.




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